Ascert currently provides two Computer Based Training (CBT) courses in
support of its VersaTest/AS based products. These courses are delivered
through browser-based access to our on-line training environment and can
be accessed by authorized users at any time. Access is provided on a
per-user basis and may be arranged through your Ascert sales
The courses currently available are:
Introduction to VersaTest Automator
Designed for new users, this course introduces the VersaTest Automator
tool, the functions it provides, and its Graphical User Interface (GUI).
The various GUI components are identified and their usage described.
Navigation within Automator using both the menu selections and shortcuts
icons is also covered. Access to an operational VersaTest Automator
environment during the course will significantly enhance the student’s
learning experience.
VTAS Test Case Development
This course is designed for those users responsible for defining and
maintaining the test-cases used to perform automated testing in Automator.
The use of templates to make test-case definition easier and faster is
described, as are the used of the standard test-case objects and DFS
rules. Access to an operational VersaTest Automator environment during
the course will significantly enhance the student’s learning experience.
Ascert provides an example VersaTest Automator environment for this
course. It may be downloaded from the Ascert website and included in your
Versatest installation; Complete setup instructions are included in the
download file.
Signing Up For A Course
For each individual to be scheduled for the course, the following
information must be provided: Name, e-mail address and the course or
courses that are to be scheduled. This information should be provided to
your Ascert sales representative. Once Ascert has received this
information, each individual will receive and e-mail invitation to attend
the specified course(s). All information needed to access the course will
be contained in the e-mail.
Students will need access to the internet and a web-browser on the PC that
will be used to access the on-line training materials, but there are no
special requirements for the PC and no software has to be installed in